
In order to become a certified caregiver a series of trainings must be completed. Rise Above Support Services will assist each person in obtaining the training required.
Rise Above Support Services offers in-house training and also has a contract with Arizona Provider Training (APT). Below is a brief description of the required trainings. A Caregiver may be asked to attend additional trainings as needed based on the needs of the member they are paired with.
Our contracted training center also has a large variety on online and classroom trainings that are available to all providers wishing to expand their knowledge.
Please click the following link for the course descriptions.

Article 9
Article 9 covers a range of topics including legal rights, rules regarding behavior management, and prohibitions against abuse and neglect. Training covers techniques for positive behavior support, confidentiality, consent, and methods of reporting and documentation.

The CPR class covers general information including; Good Samaritan law, signs & symptoms of a heart attack and stroke, barrier devices, and how to live a healthier life. We demonstrate adult, child, & infant skills on a manikin then have the students perform the skills. The instructor will go over the AED (automated external defibrillator) and choking for adult, child and infant. APT is regulated by American Health and Safety Institute, a nationally regulated certification brand. Our classes meet and exceed national state standards.

First Aid
The first aid class covers bleeding, bites, stings, poisoning, burns, and more. We also demonstrate the epinephrine pen (EPI pen) so students have a visual of what it will look like in a real-life situation. In addition, we cover heat/cold emergencies, broken bones and medical emergencies. APT is regulated by American Health and Safety Institute, a nationally regulated certification brand. Our classes meet and exceed national state standards.

Direct Care Worker (DCW): Fundamentals of Caregiving
Principles of Caregiving training has become mandated by AHCCCS. This training is required for any caregivers who provide the direct care services of attendant care, personal care, homemaker, and respite care. This training is set up in three modules. All caregivers must take Level 1. The Developmental disabilities module and the aging and physical disabilities modules may be required depending on what services your member receives.

Direct Care Worker (DCW): Developmental Disabilities (DD)
Principles of Caregiving training has become mandated by AHCCCS. This training is required for any caregivers who provide the direct care services of attendant care, personal care, homemaker, and respite care. This training is set up in three modules. All caregivers must take Level 1. The Developmental disabilities module and the aging and physical disabilities modules may be required depending on what services your member receives.